Busy Women's Bible Study

Every Monday, from 10/28/2024 to 11/11/2024, 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Busy Women’s Bible Study is open to new members and you're invited!  We meet every Monday at 11:30 a.m.

We will be studying the book Falling Upward, a spirituality for the 2/2 of life. It's a wonderful book about transitioning into the second half of life . As we journey through the first half of life, we often think that it will end when we have achieved our goals or climb as high as we can. With this in our heads, we arrive at life's second half after 50 and believe there is nowhere to go but down. Falling upward challenges, us to rethink this perspective. 
Most of us use the first half of life with all its projects, goals, and striving to discover who we were meant to be. But what do we do with this discovery? We work towards becoming our true cells in God. Our task and life second-half is to discover the most authentic expression of our souls, to shine for, the unique experience that God has given us, and to do so and gratitude. In this book and studying this book, we will learn wisdom practical guidance and a few gentle warnings as we learn to view the second half of life, not as a tragedy and a loss, there's a brand new journey. People at any age need to understand the arch and trajectory of their lives. Whatever stage you are in today, this book will help you more deeply understand your life's journey. It especially helps you understand after 55 and older. It helps us see that instead of being old and used up, we have a whole new beginning and new goals in life. By setting this book, we can use our disappointments and sorrows in achievements, to really transition into the second part of our lives. I hope you find this helpful. I'm sending you a picture of it. 

 Questions? Contact Lisa Waldron (817.239.3807) or Karen Steffler (817.924.1737).

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