Community Crossroads
Address: 1516 Hemphill, Fort Worth, TX 76104 | Map
Phone: 817.921.3955
Community Crossroads is First Presbyterian Church's mission outreach center in Fort Worth's near South neighborhood. Located at 1516 Hemphill (near the corner of Allen), the building houses Worship on Wednesdays (WOW), the church's First HAND Food ministry (groceries and sack lunches), Clothed in Love clothing ministry, Formula and Diapers (FAD) ministry, the Salt & Light Dental Clinic, the Listening Post, Monday morning breakfast, and a Learning Container Garden and Compost Center.
To register as a volunteer at Community Crossroads: Visit the link above. Create username and password (if the username box turns red that username is already in use and you will need to choose another). Check the box at the bottom accepting the policies and procedures and the volunteer waiver. Click "Save and Continue." Answer all questions and submit your application. Once your application is approved, you'll receive a confirmation email. Click the "Opportunities" tab in your portal to view and select volunteer shifts. You can also download the MyImpact app to your device.
All volunteers must complete Civil Rights Training annually. If handling or serving food, volunteers must complete Food Handler training. The food handler's certification is good for 2 years and costs $10, reimbursable by submitting receipt and certificate of completion to MaLinda Morehead at Community Crossroads.
Helping our neighbors through First HAND (Hospitality, Advocacy, Nurture, and Dignity)
First HAND provides two food options for our neighbors to choose from: receive groceries or receive sack lunches. Our neighbors may participate in one of the two options each month to meet their individual needs. They may either receive sack lunches every Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday or receive groceries once weekly. Our neighbors are encouraged to also participate in other local food pantry distributions which can be located by zip code at
Hot Breakfast
9 a.m. Mondays, first come, first served, or until distribution capacity is reached
Grocery Distribution:
9 a.m. Mondays, first come, first served, or until distribution capacity is reached
11:30 a.m. Wednesdays, first come, first served, or until distribution capacity is reached
11:30 a.m. Thursdays, first come, first served, or until distribution capacity is reached
Sack Lunch Distribution
11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. (Monday, Wednesday, & Thursday, in the dining hall - enter through the front door facing Hemphill St.)
To participate in either distribution, our neighbors must complete a household application for food one time per year.
Clothing Distribution:
Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday 11:30 a.m. first come, first served, or until distribution capacity is reached
Neighbors may shop for two outfits, once per month. Other items available seasonally in limited quantities: coats, blankets, shoes, backpacks.
1st Wednesdays during WOW (Worship on Wednesdays) 6:30 p.m. first come, first served, or until distribution capacity is reached
Thursday, 11:30 a.m. first come, first served, or until distribution capacity is reached
Community Crossroads partners with Don't Forget to Feed Me to provide one bag of pet food per household weekly.
Thursday, 11:30 a.m. first come, first served, or until distribution capacity is reached
Choice of two cleaning supply items per month.
Community Crossroads location (1516 Hemphill Street)
WOW! (Worship on Wednesdays) offers worship each Wednesday from 5:30-6 p.m., followed by a hot dinner at 6 p.m., and community activities for all ages from 6:45-7:30 p.m.
WOW! (Worship on Wednesdays!) is a 1001 New Worshipping Community of the PCUSA that offers worship, a free shared community meal, and community activities for all ages. If you have questions about how to become involved with WOW! contact WOW! Coordinator Leah Wyckoff, 817.335.1231. If you are interested in helping with WOW! meals (preparation or serving), contact us.
1st Wednesdays: Bible study and Mission Project prep
2nd Wednesdays: Presbyterian Women Circle and Mission Visit to Downtown Rehab Center
3rd Wednesdays: Spirituality Stations
4th Wednesdays: Game Night
5th Wednesdays: Bingo Night
Listening Post:
This ministry occurs anytime First HAND is operating. Volunteers are available to listen to our neighbors who simply want to share a joy, a concern, and/or to pray together.
This ministry provides free dental services for people experiencing homelessness. Services are offered 2-3 times per month. Local dentists along with their staff team up with volunteers to offer much needed dental care for adults. For more information, please contact .
Mondays, 9 a.m., first come, first served, or until distribution capacity is reached
Diapers and wipes are provided for children under 3 and formula for children under age 1. Donations of powdered formula and diapers of all sizes are always welcome and needed to keep this ministry going. To participate in this program, please, bring a birth certificate the first time you participate for each child 3-years-old and younger. Adult diapers and feminine hygiene products are distributed as available.
tasty third thursday classes
Third Thursday of select months (quarterly) at 5:30 p.m.
A quarterly garden-to-table, nutrition, and cooking class. Come learn how to shop for and prepare delicious and nutritious foods on a budget. Topics include gardening tips, cooking demonstrations, key nutrition and budgeting tips, and recipes. Participants receive tips, activities, and recipes that are designed to be accessible and affordable. Topics vary seasonally.