Adult Education



Adult Church School classes meet weekly to study and support adults in nurturing their faith and discipleship. Classes meet from 10-10:45 a.m. each Sunday and are led by an outstanding faculty of members, staff, and friends of First Presbyterian Church. Bible study, faith formation, and contemporary issues in church and society form the  curriculum.  For more information or questions about any of these classes, please contact the Rev. Dr. Michael Waschevski.

SUMMER 2024: jUNE 2-AUGUST 11 

The Summer session of Adult Church School begins Sunday, June 2 and concludes Sunday, August 11. Classes meet from 10– 10:45 a.m. Three weekly options engage adults in on-going faith formation. For more information, please contact the Rev. Dr. Michael Waschevski.

Bible Study: Acts - Led by Matt McGraw in Room 237
Faith and Music - Led by Laura Collins, Dr. Beverly Howard, Rev. Dr. Michael Waschevski in Room 237
Faith and Film: The Chosen - Led by Dr. Steve Brotherton, Eric Varnon in the Youth Center (This class is open to adults, as well as Middle and High School Youth.)

First Pres is offering several watch parties (free popcorn!) to catch up on The Chosen. We’ll watch episodes 5-6 on Saturday and Sunday, July 6-7, and episodes 7-8 on Saturday and Sunday, July 20-21. All watch parties are from 2-4 p.m. in the Youth Center (enter through Gym door on Texas Street).


The Rev. Dr. Michael Waschevski will lead this summer series in which participants will engage the history of Presbyterian worship, the theology of our worship and sacraments, and contemporary worship practices in both the Presbyterian Church (USA) and American denominations in general. In addition to selections from the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Book of Order, chapters from Rhythms of Worship by Stevens and Waschevski will frame each week’s reflections. The class will meet on Monday evenings from 7-8 p.m. on July 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29 in Room 237.

Click here to register


Spiritual formation is the activity of the Holy Spirit which molds our lives into the likeness of Jesus Christ. This likeness is one of deep intimacy with God and genuine compassion for all of creation. Spiritual Formation offers educational opportunities throughout the year. Click here for more details.