Youth Ministry

Middle & High School Students

Youth Ministry

At the heart and soul of the Youth Ministry for youth 6th thru 12th grades are regular group, study, and service opportunities. Associate Pastor for Youth, Josh Stewart, and youth leaders seek to provide a fun and exciting environment for students in middle and high school to grow together in Christ Jesus. Youth Group is a place where all are welcomed, loved, and accepted for who they are, a place where they are free to be their true selves, and a place to eat and laugh together as we all seek to serve God and our neighbors!     

Click here to download the 2024-25 Special events Calendar


Middle School: Grades 6-8    
High School: Grades 9-12

Sunday Morning Church School: 10-10:45 a.m.
6th and 7th Grade Middle School Class (Room 107)
High School Class (Youth Center)
Confirmation Class* (Room 105)

*Confirmation Class begins in the spring semester on Sunday, January 19, 2025 with a student and parent meeting in the Youth Center; this class is open to all 8th grade students as well as any high school student who has not had a Confirmation experience. 

Sunday Night Youth Group: Youth Center & Gym
4:30-5:30 p.m. Middle School 
5:30-6 p.m. Dinner for All Youth
6-7 p.m. High School 

Wednesday Night High School Bible Study
7:30-8:30 p.m. Meets off campus in a member’s home

If interested, contact Josh Stewart to sign up for his Remind distribution list.


 In addition to weekly activities, First Pres offers many fun events throughout the year sure to encourage, educate, inspire, and excite our youth. Here's a sampling of past events:

  • Mission Trips and Service Projects
  • Beginning of the School-Year Kickoff Party
  • Ping Pong & Dodge Ball Tournaments
  • Senior High Youth Connection at Austin College
  • Christmas Party for the Blind 
  • Youth Group Christmas Parties 
  • Youth Meal Packing Project
  • Ski Trips
  • Camping Trip
  • Progressive Dinner
  • Senior Dinner Celebration


Stay connected with youth group activity news from Josh by using the Remind app for text/email reminders:

  1. Subscribe: Text the message @youthfpc to the number 81010 or text @youthfpc to 817.591.2543.
  2. Subscribe via notifications to smart phone/device: On your smart phone/device, open the web browser and go to Follow the instructions to sign up for the Remind by downloading the mobile app.
  3. Subscribe via email: Visit here on a computer to sign up for email notifications.

For more information about Youth Ministry at First Presbyterian Church, please email Associate Pastor for Youth, Rev.  Dr. Josh Stewart or call 817.335.1231, ext. 251.

Please note that all adult volunteers who participate in our Children's ministries are trained on First Presbyterian Church's Abuse Prevention System. You can view our Child and Youth Protection Policy here.

Requested Forms

If you have not yet filled out the liability & medical consent forms, or the photo release forms, take a minute to take care of that so we have it on file for any/all upcoming events! 

We require both forms in order to participate in activities or trips that involve group transportation, overnights, and/or activities we feel a medical form would be helpful.  If you have children birth-5th grade, submit forms to Jayne:  . If your children are youth, 6th-12th grade, submit forms to Becky:  . If you have medical insurance, we also ask for a copy of the front/back of the insurance card. These forms do not expire so you will only need to fill them out again if your information changes.  Should you have any questions, contact Josh or Ann anytime.

 Liability Release Form

Medical Information Consent Form

Photo Release Form