Planned Giving

"..since we are surrounded by so great a CLOUD OF WITNESSES …let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us." Hebrews 12.1
Your planned gift to the church will help provide for continued and ongoing support of the mission of the church—inspiring disciples and engaging the world. You may designate your planned gift to any number of ministries of the church including mission efforts locally and worldwide, programs benefitting our children and youth, or any program the church supports each year.
Estate planning can be stressful, worrisome, and overwhelming. However, having one's affairs in order can also provide a sense of security and the opportunity to live joyfully knowing that one's wishes are documented and that family, friends, and even a favorite charity are remembered.
Planned gifts of any size allow you to make decisions that will carry on forever, leaving your legacy of values and support for years to come. Many have already remembered First Presbyterian Church in their wills and trusts.
Making a donation of cash is as simple as writing a check.
Securities, which have increased in value, are popular assets for charitable giving.
Retirement Plan Assets
If you're like many Americans, your financial future will likely revolve around your retirement plan assets.
Life Insurance
Donating life insurance could be a wonderful way to support our work. By making First Presbyterian Church Fort Worth a beneficiary of an existing policy, you make good use of your resources and expand your ability to make a significant gift.
A gift made through your will or trust. It is the simplest type of planned gift for you to make and one of the easiest to implement.
Charitable Remainder Trusts
When you create a charitable remainder trust, you give cash, securities, or other assets to a trust you create that will then pay you an income for life or for a period of years. The donor selects the payout percentage.
Memorials & Endowments
Discover a powerful way to make a gift to the church in your name or recognize an individual or ministry program while realizing tax benefits for your gift.
Donor Advised Funds
Easy and flexible way to support the charities that you love. A donor contributes to the fund as frequently as they wish and watches as their charitable investment grows tax-free. The donor receives immediate tax benefits and can recommend grants to their favorite charity whenever they are ready.
Charitable Lead Trusts
Provides gift payments to a ministry for a term of years with the assets being given to one's children afterward. The initial payments to the ministry can begin while living or at one's passing, which can help reduce or eliminate taxes when children receive the assets.
If you have questions about your estate plans as you reflect on the stewardship of God's gifts left in your care, staff members of First Presbyterian Church are available to help. Please contact the church's administrative office at 817.335.1231 to discuss your plans further or ask any questions you may have.