About Us



About Us

At First Presbyterian Church Fort Worth, you'll find a place to explore your faith, serve your neighbors, and connect with a caring community.

First Presbyterian Church is a congregation of the Presbyterian Church (USA) located on the west edge of downtown Fort Worth, Texas. We seek to provide for all ages dynamic worship, engaging programming, and outreach in the name of Christ within a caring, inclusive community that embodies our calling through Christ.

Presbyterians affirm "the mission of God in Christ gives shape and substance to the life and work of the Church. In Christ, the Church participates in God's mission for the transformation of creation and humanity by proclaiming to all people the good news of God's love, offering to all people the grace of God at font and table, and calling all people to discipleship in Christ." From F-1.01, The Book of Order of the Presbyterian Church (USA).


Our mission statement, "Inspiring Disciples...Engaging the World," lives into an interpretation of this expressed mission and best exemplifies the simple, yet profound goals we have as a community of faith. The best way to learn about First Presbyterian Church is to come and experience for yourself — through worship, study, outreach, friendships, and more — what a vibrant and meaningful community it is.


Here are First Presbyterian Church Fort Worth we are a community that lives into and out of our core values.

Unlike short-term goals and mid-range visions which change depending on the season in which we find ourselves, values are what always remain the same. They are what we are and what has formed us over the past 150 years. They are what lead us into the future and continue to shape us today. Our values are what make us… us!

God’s love binds us all and calls us to live the good news of Jesus Christ as we inspire disciples and engage the world.

We believe the Church is a hospitable place in which we witness the inclusive love and grace of God. In intergenerational community we experience belonging and companionship, enabling us to fulfill our calling as the body of Christ.

First Pres has a long history of community engagement, civic partnerships, and generous outreach to neighbors in our city and around the globe. We equip disciples for meaningful service by cultivating their gifts and resources.

We treat others politely and respectfully with friendliness and generosity. We cultivate the ability to receive the same treatment from others…to be courteous and hospitable to those with whom we work and play and to expect the same in return.


New Here? Learn More About FIRST PRES

Read Presbyterian Church (USA) What We Believe to learn more about the foundations of our faith.