Missions - Events at First Pres

Mission events at First Pres



Christmas Toy Store

Each December, the Mission Outreach Committee of First Pres hosts a Christmas Toy Store. This annual outreach event provides parents and guardians the opportunity to "shop" with dignity through a donation-provided store of new children's toys and books for a small fee per child. The store benefits people connected to First Presbyterian Church Fort Worth ministries through Community Crossroads and offers parents and guardians both dignity and choice in selecting gifts for their children. Each year, over 300 children are served! Each year, volunteers, toys, and donations are needed to make the store a success. Questions? Contact Deneice Allen.

Kids Against Hunger (Youth Mission)

Each afternoon on World Communion Sunday, youth and their families pack thousands of meals in our church's gym to support the mission of Kids Against Hunger.

Christmas Party for the Blind (Youth Mission)

On the first Thursday of every December, the youth host a special Christmas dinner in our Great Hall for those in our community with sight impairment. Sign up to be a driver or server.