Make a Pledge

"from one generation to another..."

First Presbyterian Church's mission statement is to inspire disciples and engage the world. When you contribute resources, you not only help fund the ministries and mission of First Presbyterian Church, you reach and provide for your fellow members and brothers and sisters of Christ. The act of giving — particularly when done with thought, and prayer, and joy, and sacrifice — does much more. How will your gifts inspire disciples and engage the world?

Do you have questions about making a pledge? Contact Church Accountant Wes Hogue, 817.335.1231, ext. 226.

Make your 2024 pledge now  

You may make your pledge through our website or the ShelbyNext membership app.

 To make your 2024 Pledge online:

  1. Login to your account in the ShelbyNext Membership Directory
  2. Click on the Giving tab under your name.
  3. Click + Pledge.
  4. In the Campaign field, choose 2024 Budget.
  5. Set Start Date to 01/01/2024 and End Date to 12/31/2024.
  6. In the Frequency field, choose how often you plan to give (Weekly, Bi-Weekly, Semi-Monthly, Monthly, Bi-Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-Annually, or Annually).
  7. In the Periodic Amount field, enter the dollar amount you plan to give each week/month/quarter/year.
  8. The Total Amount field will automatically calculate your 2024 Pledge based on what you entered in the Frequency and Period Amount fields.
  9. Click Pledge.

Your 2024 Pledge for First Presbyterian Church Fort Worth is now active! Thank you for your commitment to First Pres.

To make your 2024 Pledge through the ShelbyNext Membership App:

  1. Tap your name at the bottom of the screen.
  2. Tap the Giving tab on the right side of the screen and scroll down to the Pledges heading.
  3. Tap +Create new pledge.
  4. In the Campaign field, choose 2024 Budget.
  5. Set Start Date to 01/01/2024 and End Date to 12/31/2024.
  6. In the Frequency field, choose how often you plan to give (Weekly, Bi-Weekly, Semi-Monthly, Monthly, Bi-Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-Annually, or Annually).
  7. In the Periodic Amount field, enter the dollar amount you plan to give each week/month/quarter/year.
  8. The Total Amount field will automatically calculate your 2024 Pledge based on the amount what you entered in the Frequency and Periodic Amount fields.
  9. Tap Create at the top right of the screen.

Your 2024 Pledge to First Presbyterian Church Fort Worth is now active! Thank you for your commitment to First Pres.

Please note that setting up a pledge does not set up online giving or a recurring giving.