
The sacrament of Baptism is a sign of God’s love. Even though we cannot fully understand the depth of God’s love, Jesus’ life and the Holy Spirit, we recognize that we are God’s children and that God loves us mightily. Baptism is a sacrament Jesus participated in and asked that we do the same. During baptism, parents and the congregation promise to nurture the child in faith.

Your child is a child of God whom you have loved into being. With the privilege of parenting comes the responsibility of passing on your faith. We are called to be instruments of God’s love. An amazing aspect of parenting is the realization of just how much we learn through our children. They are excellent examples of openness, absolute trust, instant forgiveness, and pure affection.

And so it is that we come before the church with our children for Baptism. It is in this coming together that we are equipped to go and see God in others and in the world around us. Through this equipping and nurturing, we have the eyes and ears to hear God in others and in our world. We are then God’s hands and feet in this world. We come to be reminded whose we are and that in belonging to God we are never alone.


February 18
April 21
July 28 (11 a.m. only)
September 15
November 17

Once scheduled, a baptism coordinator will contact you and set up a time to meet with your family to walk through the morning and answer any questions you may have.


If you wish to have your child baptized, please contact Ann Nielsen, Director of Children and Families Ministries, 817.335.1231, ext. 232.