Committee Nominations
2025 Committee Nominations Needed
Would you like to serve on a First Pres committee? Know someone who would?
The Nominating Committee has begun meeting to update the membership of working church Committees for 2025.
Please take a minute to nominate yourself or someone you think may be interested in sharing their gifts with the church on a 2025 Committee. You may submit nominations online at or click below.
If you have questions, please contact Nominating Committee Chair, Ralph Reece at .
The First Pres Committees and their functions are described below, and in the online nominating form.
First Pres Committee Responsibilities
Christian Formation Committee
This Committee consists of the Children’s, Youth and Adult Work Groups; and the Stewardship Work Group. It provides a variety of opportunities and experiences which seek to deepen members’ experiences of Christian faith and discipleship.
Engagement & Outreach Committee
This Committee consists of the Evangelism and Communications Work Groups. This Committee exists to share the good news of the gospel by demonstrating God’s love and hospitality to all and to encourage others to do the same. Members serve God by providing a comprehensive communications ministry using all available methods that will tell the story of the church to inspire and inform members and invite the greater community into the First Pres family.
Congregational Care Committee
This Committee ministers to the needs of our church community by providing care of mind, body, and spirit, nurturing our congregation’s efforts to live the second greatest commandment to love one another.
Wellness Together Committee
This Committee consists of the Wellness and Fellowship Work Groups. This Committee encourages wellness – physical, spiritual, relational – as a faithful response to God, and as a commitment to a healthy congregation, healthy families, and healthy communities. Members promote joyful events that encourage intergenerational bonding, connection, and community within (and beyond) our congregation, as we model hospitality to the world.
Finance Committee
The purpose of this Committee is to provide the Session and the congregational membership with appropriate information pertaining to the financial condition of First Pres.
Mission & Outreach Committee
This Committee serves to receive and share Christ’s compassion and justice in a broken world by inspirational stewardship of the time, talents, and treasure of the First Pres congregation locally and throughout the world.
Personnel Committee
This Committee is the Pastor’s confidential partner and sounding board in ensuring the congregation’s staff works with a unified vision of ministry. The committee is responsible for oversight of all employment matters and recommends to Session changes to terms of call for the ordained staff.
Property Committee
The purpose of this Committee is to maintain a welcoming, secure environment to meet the needs of the congregation.
Worship and Music Committee
This Committee engages, encourages, and supports the gifts, talents, and resources of God’s people in encounters of the Holy Spirit as we gather together in the rhythm of worship and ministry.